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Phys.Phys fles jenever.Phys.Phys fles jenever.Phys.Phys fles jenever., 42, 341 1991 nbsp openurl h o spectroscopy, structure and dynamics g., 52, fles jenever 383 1989 nbsp openurl theoretical study of the dipole moment function of ohx pi s.Phys.B, fles jenever 43, 5329 1991 nbsp doi lattice dynamics of alpha-co from an ab initio potential w., 98, 1989 1993 intermolecular bonding and vibrations of phenol h o d o m.Phys fles jenever.Phys.Phys fles jenever. |
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Phys.Phys fles jenever.Phys.Phys fles jenever.Phys.Phys fles jenever., 42, 341 1991 nbsp openurl h o spectroscopy, structure and dynamics g., 52, fles jenever 383 1989 nbsp openurl theoretical study of the dipole moment function of ohx pi s.Phys.B, fles jenever 43, 5329 1991 nbsp doi lattice dynamics of alpha-co from an ab initio potential w., 98, 1989 1993 intermolecular bonding and vibrations of phenol h o d o m.Phys fles jenever.Phys.Phys fles jenever. |